Our apples gluten-free cake recipe

During winter time, at Sundays local market in the village, we do not usually find all local farmers as we usually do during the rest of the year. One of our preferred ones come every fifteen days and he must have a secret to picking perfect pesticide-free super nutritious apples. We usually ask him for four our five kilos to cook our baby’s compote, jam for all the family and to eat them natural or cooked as a dessert after meals.

Last week-end we cooked also a gluten-free cake with, as we had some family visiting us at home. They came home with some beautiful flowers. At the end of the day, we went to the forest all together to enjoy a walk. Here you’ll find the gluten-free apples cake recipe, hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we did.

Gluten-free apples cake recipe

  • By Du bois à la maison

  • 6-8 people

  • Prep time: 20 mins

  • Total time: 180 mins

  • Category: Gluten-Free Recipes, Dessert


  • 6 big apples or 8 medium apples

  • 150 gr rice flour

  • 100 ml milk

  • 4 eggs

  • 100 gr sugar

  • 60 gr butter

  • 16 gr yeast

For the pastry dough:

  • 230 gr rice flour

  • 100 gr tapioca flour

  • 170 ml water

  • 50 gr butter (we usually replace butter by banana to make lactose-free recipes)

  • 1 spoon sugar

  • 4 gr. guar gum


  1. For the pastry dough: blend together both kind of flours and butter with your hands or with a pastry blender for a moment. Add water, the spoon of sugar and the guar gum. Turn out dough onto a floured surface. Chill, wrapped in a tea tower and let the dough in the fridge at least during 2 hours.

  2. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 170°C.

  3. Peel 4 big apples and cut them into quarters. Remove the cores and cut the apples into thin slices.

  4. Mix the eggs, the flour, milk, sugar, butter and yeast all together. Once you have finished, add the 4 apples slices. Mix again.

  5. Mist the base and sides of your recipient with olive oil or butter, as your prefer. Add the mixture into the recipient. Add the 2 big apples also cut into thin slices as in the picture above.

  6. Bake the cake in the centre of the oven to 170ºC for 30-40 minutes or until the cake is well risen and golden on top. Test the cake by inserting a skewer into the centre – it should slide easily through the apples in the middle and come out clean.

  7. Take the cake out of the oven. Leave the cake to cool for 20-30 minutes. Enjoy it!

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